

Page history last edited by Mr. F 10 years, 12 months ago



Welcome to our Speech & Debate wiki!

Like the Hokey Pokey, This Is What It's All About...

This is where you need to be for announcements, assignments, due dates...and everything else pertinent to Speech & Debate.  

It is your responsibility to visit this wiki regularly...

Because if you're not in "the know," I'll know!




It is YOUR responsibility to find and print documents/handouts for class...and to have them in class the day we will be discussing them.  

Hint:  This is very much tied to your Attendance and Participation grade!

As always, let me know if you have any questions...  


Mr. F  


Movement, objects, speech, and words:

 We communicate through gross symbols.

  We call them "objective,"

 But we cannot escape our point of view.


                              ~ From the Tao 


Speech and Debate Syllabus 2013-2014

Speech and Debate Syllabus 2013.doc

5th Period:  Drop B & E

6th Period: Drop A & E


Speech and Debate Supplies List


One Three-Ring Binder (for handouts, etc.)

One Composition Book (for your journal)

One Composition Book (for notes, first drafts, and such)

Assorted pens, highlighters, markers (for editing and annotating)



Here Is The Calendar:

  Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar


Schedule Links and Assignments 


Feb. 13

E  Day



Feb. 14

F Day

Graded Round I Actually Begins...And Runs All Week.    


Feb. 24

G Day

Extemp Practice, Practice, Practice (If you want…

otherwise we will move to the final graded round.



Feb . 25

A Day

5th Period:  (optional) Final Graded Extemp Drop 6th    


Feb. 26

B Day

6th Period: (optional) Final Graded Extemp Drop 5th    


Feb. 27

C Day

Introduction to Humorous and Dramatic

Interpretations…Let The FUN begin!


Dramatic Interp.pdf

Humorous Interp.pdf




Feb. 28

D Day

Let's Watch Some Interps…then go to the library!



There are more Interp. Resources posted below...



  Debate Central 2013 - 2014!



Our Topics

5th Period:

Resolved: In the United States criminal justice system, truth-seeking ought to take precedence over attorney-client privilege.

6th Period:                     Resolved: The benefits of domestic surveillance by the NSA outweigh the harms.


5th Period Teams:                                                                           6th Period Teams

1.      Emma & Evan                                             1.       Genn & Jessica            2.        Steph and Zack

2.      Dillon & Deanna                                           3.       Griffin & Fran               4.        Sam & Megan

3.      Shira & Sarah                                              5.       Melissa & Hannah        6.        Abby & Anna

4.      Isabella & Jared                                           7.       Jared & Shaina             8.        Ian & Erin

5.      Fatima & Sam                                             9.       Shauna & Justin

6.      Ruben & Colbie                                           10.      Erica & Andrew





 Debate Overview 2012.ppt

8x11 Flow.doc

Evidence Card Set up.ppt

Inductive v.ppt

Cross Examination Strategies.ppt

Rebuttal Strategies.ppt

Proposition Development.ppt




 Get Them Right Here: Handouts, Assignments, and Stuff   

 **Archives **                                                


 Presentation Focus - How v. What.doc                                                                                      


Linear Model of Communication: A Linear Model of Communication.doc



Speech Evaluation Form:  Speech Evaluation Form.doc


Speech #1:  Introduction Speech 

Introduction Guidelines - Personal Profile.doc




Speech #2: Demonstration Speech

Demo Speech Guidelines.doc




Persuasion Speeches: Speeches 3 & 4

Persuasive Speech Format Fall 2013.doc




Personal Space Studies

Key Components of Non-Verbal Communication 2013.doc

Personal Space Studies Overview.doc


Extemporaneous Speeches

Extemp Guidelines.docx




Interpretation Central


Dramatic Monologues:



DI Example (contest): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZCFs6_RAzM


Humorous Monologues:



HI Example (contest): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM3eVYZXUoo&feature=related














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